Working with Will, Andrew Holland and Andrew Hodgdon to sell my Balance 442 was such a pleasure. No one knows multihulls as well as Andrew Hodgdon, especially performance cats like a Balance. As Technical Director of Balance for many years, Andrew knows all of the nuances of that type of boat, as well as the other brands in the category. If you want to sell or buy a catamaran, look no further than Andrew Hodgdon!
Sold my L42 here with the excellent help and support of TMCs Croatia sales manager “Zee”. Despite my boat docked on the dry in Montenegro, in winter and in a challenging market, TMC and Zee managed to get her sold, managing the entire process from taking pictures and video’s, putting her out there on the web, prepping her and managing all for inspections….down to the final hand-over documents and managing the escrow payments when all boxes were ticked! Very professional, very helpful (Zee went above and beyond to make sure he delivers excellent service), responsive and successful. Thanks TMC!
We purchased our lagoon 410 through the multihull company, Andrew Hodgdon was the listing’s broker. From the start till the end of the process he was upfront honest and accommodating. Our situation was unique and required a bit more leg work. Andrew was always easy to get a hold of and willing to help. It was a pleasure working with a highly knowledgeable broker that values integrity. I highly recommend him.
My experience with Andrew Hodgdon was entirely positive during the selling process of our used catamaran.
He followed up at every stage, organized successful showings, and explained in detail the closing process.
I am happy to give a 10 out of 10 review.
We purchased our Balance 442 through TMC, Andrew Hodgdon in the St Augustine office, and the experience was excellent. We had a couple last minute issues like incorrect hull ID on docs, and they quickly ran point to get this all taken care of to help us close on time. It was all especially impressive given that most of this was happening during the end of year holidays. Good team, good follow up. Recommended.
Successful relationships cannot exist without it. At The Multihull Company we base every relationship on a firm commitment to earning and retaining our client’s trust.
Advice of any kind is valuable only when grounded in hard-won expertise. It too, must be trustworthy. Trust and expertise define the heart and soul of The Multihull Company. We are a team of skilled professionals who thrive on providing expert, trustworthy advice and service to catamaran and trimaran sailors around the globe.
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