Cynthia Wummer



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Cynthia Wummer

Yacht Broker


The Multihull Company is excited to announce the addition of Cynthia Wummer to its team of brokers in Fort Lauderdale.

Cynthia delivers lasting value for her clients as a genuine sailboat specialist. Her vast racing and cruising resumé bears a depth of knowledge that creates a winning connection. Cynthia says, “Some people come to the buying process with next-to-no experience, while others are extremely qualified cruisers looking for their next-level boat. Having a broad spectrum of experience helps me draw out and achieve all the finer points of what my clients are looking for.”

Cynthia’s take on how she helps her clients, “I love passing on insider knowledge. From engines and electrical, to sails, outfitting and storage, to the best anchorages and newest technology. All those extra insights factor into finding the right boat.” She is a broker with amenities…buying the right catamaran extends well past the transaction, Cynthia’s skills and work ethic are geared to guide and manage every step. She goes above and beyond as a go-to for advice on boat building/design, upgrades and maintenance, outfitting, gear, inspections, boat previews, and more.

Beyond practical advice, Cynthia is a 100-Ton Captain, highly networked in the sailing community. With her connections, she helps her clients with total solutions before, during and after the sale. She has built her successful brokerage business on experience that is grounded in the way she treats people. Cynthia says, “I consider my clients to be a special part of my boating community. I’ve done my job if they pass it on that I am honest, fair, knowledgeable; and that I care.”

Her qualifications and passion are well-suited to The Multihull Company’s team of Sailors providing complete catamaran cruising services worldwide.

Cynthia is a recent empty-nester living in Ft Lauderdale. Her two children, Courtney and Brandon live up north, yet join her in her catamaran charters in the Caribbean each year.


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